Less Talking More Walkings's Offspring Facts

Out of Less Talking More Walking's 8 offspring all of them have been started as racers

Current as of July 12, 2003:
(out of 6 offspring I could find records for)

  • A total of $11,705,450 Earnings have been won by Arctic Breeze's progeny
  • 122 starts have been recorded by Arctic Breeze's progeny
  • of those starts 44 have been wins
  • 26 of those being stakes wins
  • and 13 of those were Grade I Wins
  • 5 offspring have been stakes winners
  • and of those 5 have been Grade I winners
  • 1 have won Triple Crown honors
  • 1 have won the Summer Festival Series
  • 2 have earned over 1000 points in total (racing and showing)
  • 1 have earned over 1500 points in (racing and showing)
  • 0 has earned over 2000 points in (racing and showing)
  • 0 has earned over 2500 points in (racing and showing)
  • 3 have earned over 1000 points in racing
  • 1 have earned over 1000 points in showing
  • has earned GCh in an ASHJC Division
  • 0 has earned RHOTY honors
  • 2 have earned HOTY honors
  • 3 is the total # of HOTYs earned
  • 0 is the total # of RHOTYs earned